PolymiRTS 3.0 files 1. target_miRSNP_human_CLASH.txt A list of human genes containing SNPs/indels in the miRNA target sites, mapped from CLASH experiment data. 2. target_miRSNP_human.txt A list of human genes containing SNPs in predicted and experimentally supported miRNA target sites. The column labels are described in the Help section of the website. 3. target_miRSNP_mouse.txt A list of mouse genes containing SNPs in predicted and experimentally supported miRNA target sites. The column labels are described in the Help section of the website. 4. SNPs_and_indels_in_miRNA_seeds_human.txt A list of human miRNAs containing SNPs/indels in seed regions. 5. SNPs_and_indels_in_miRNA_seeds_mouse.txt A list of mouse miRNAs containing SNPs/indels in seed regions. 6. experimentally_supported_miRSNP_human.txt A list of human genes containing SNPs in experimentally supported miRNA target sites. The column labels are described in the Help section of the website. 7. experimentally_supported_miRSNP_mouse.txt A list of mouse genes containing SNPs in experimentally supported miRNA target sites. The column labels are described in the Help section of the website. 8. genes_associated_with_human_diseaases_traits.txt Human genes containing SNPs in predicted miRNA target sites that have been associated with human diseases and traits. Files in the cis-eQTL folder: These files list genes regulated by cis-eQTLs in human and mouse. The format of these file names is: cis_A_B_C.txt, where A is either h for human datasets or m for mouse datasets; B is the tissue or cell type; and C is the PUBMED ID for human or GeneNetwork Accession ID for mouse of the associated dataset.