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Somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions
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Prediction criteria: TargetScan sites only     All 6mer or longer seed matches

RefSeq ID: NM_032997
Gene Symbol: ZWINT
Description: Homo sapiens ZW10 interactor (ZWINT), transcript variant 3, mRNA.
Gene Location: chr10(-):58117198-58121034
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Somatic mutations that impact miRNA target sites

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr10:g.56357571G>A COSN1494416 RK086_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-4761-5p tgatACCTTGatctttccc
ACAAGGUG m6b Disrupted -0.116000 no TS 0.120000
hsa-miR-4761-5p tgatACCTTGatctttccc
0 ACAAGGUG m6b Disrupted -0.116 no TS 0.12

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr10:g.56357717C>A COSN8187141 PCSI_0164_Pa_P_526 [pancreas][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr10:g.56357735C>T COSN4715342 tumor_4188900 [haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue][NS][lymphoid_neoplasm][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-1284 taggaTGTATAGcctagtg
0 UCUAUACA m7b Created no TS -0.126000 -0.210000
hsa-miR-3929 taggatgtaCAGCCTagtg
GAGGCUGA m6b Disrupted -0.130000 no TS 0.380000
hsa-miR-4419b taggatgtaCAGCCTagtg
GAGGCUGA m6b Disrupted -0.123000 no TS 0.090000
hsa-miR-4478 taggatgtaCAGCCTagtg
GAGGCUGA m6b Disrupted -0.116000 no TS No effect
hsa-miR-4718 taggatGTACAGCctagtg
AGCUGUAC m7b Disrupted -0.257000 no TS 2.250000
hsa-miR-493-5p taggATGTACAgcctagtg
UUGUACAU m7b Disrupted -0.039000 no TS 2.210000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr10:g.56358252A>C COSN4891918 PCSI_0090_Pa_X [pancreas][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-130b-5p gaacagGAAAGAGcttatg
ACUCUUUC m7b Disrupted -0.106000 no TS 0.070000
hsa-miR-3124-3p gaacAGGAAAGagcttatg
ACUUUCCU m7b Disrupted -0.382000 -0.168000 No effect
hsa-miR-99a-3p gaacaggaaCGAGCTTatg
CAAGCUCG m7b (m6b->m7b) -0.162000 -0.425000 0.020000
hsa-miR-99b-3p gaacaggaaCGAGCTTatg
CAAGCUCG m7b (m6b->m7b) -0.172000 -0.457000 -3.470000

*By default, only target sites identified by TargetScan are displayed. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

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