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Somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions
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RefSeq ID: NM_138715
Gene Symbol: MSR1
Description: Homo sapiens macrophage scavenger receptor 1 (MSR1), transcript variant SR-AII, mRNA.
Gene Location: chr8(-):15965386-16050300
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Somatic mutations that impact miRNA target sites

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16108394A>C COSN8854252 SS6003317 [oesophagus][NS][carcinoma][adenocarcinoma]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-1255b-2-3p ttatgcgtAAGTGGTatgc
AACCACUU m7b Disrupted -0.312000 -0.081000 0.020000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16108779A>T COSN14918877 CHC433T [liver][NS][carcinoma][hepatocellular_carcinoma]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-4677-3p ggtagaCTCACAGccgtcc
UCUGUGAG m7b Disrupted -0.041000 no TS 1.150000
hsa-miR-5007-5p ggtAGACTCTcagccgtcc
0 UAGAGUCU m7b (m6c->m7b) no TS -0.062000 -4.570000
hsa-miR-627 ggtAGACTCACagccgtcc
GUGAGUCU m8a Disrupted -0.021000 no TS 0.370000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16109222C>T COSN1361912 HX9T [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-3145-5p gtTTGGAGTTttttatgaa
AACUCCAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.116000 -0.143000 -0.300000
hsa-miR-4432 gtttgGAGTCTTTtatgaa
AAAGACUC m8a Disrupted -0.089000 no TS 2.310000
hsa-miR-548ae gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
CAAAAACU m7b Created -0.006000 0.087000 -1.820000
hsa-miR-548ah-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
CAAAAACU m7b Created -0.013000 0.070000 -3.690000
hsa-miR-548aj-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
UAAAAACU m7b Created -0.006000 0.087000 -3.140000
hsa-miR-548am-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
CAAAAACU m7b Created -0.013000 0.070000 -2.720000
hsa-miR-548aq-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
CAAAAACU m7b Created -0.006000 0.087000 -3.410000
hsa-miR-548u gtttggAGTCTTTtatgaa
0 CAAAGACU m7b Disrupted 0.082000 0.085000 2.120000
hsa-miR-548x-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
UAAAAACU m7b Created -0.006000 0.087000 -1.700000
hsa-miR-3145-5p gtTTGGAGTTttttatgaa
0 AACUCCAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.116 -0.143 -0.3
hsa-miR-4432 gtttgGAGTCTTTtatgaa
0 AAAGACUC m8a Disrupted -0.089 no TS 2.31
hsa-miR-548ae gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
0 CAAAAACU m7b Created -0.006 0.087 -1.82
hsa-miR-548ah-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
0 CAAAAACU m7b Created -0.013 0.07 -3.69
hsa-miR-548aj-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
0 UAAAAACU m7b Created -0.006 0.087 -3.14
hsa-miR-548am-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
0 CAAAAACU m7b Created -0.013 0.07 -2.72
hsa-miR-548aq-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
0 CAAAAACU m7b Created -0.006 0.087 -3.41
hsa-miR-548u gtttggAGTCTTTtatgaa
0 CAAAGACU m7b Disrupted 0.082 0.085 2.12
hsa-miR-548x-3p gtttggAGTTTTTtatgaa
0 UAAAAACU m7b Created -0.006 0.087 -1.7

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16109301T>C COSN4878371 tumor_4104893 [haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue][NS][lymphoid_neoplasm][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-183-3p tttaaAATTCAaatctgat
GUGAAUUA m6b Created 0.116000 0.133000 -1.520000
hsa-miR-4452 tttaaAATTCAAatctgat
UUGAAUUC m7a Created 0.003000 0.018000 No effect
hsa-miR-513a-3p tttaAAATTTAaatctgat
UAAAUUUC m7a Disrupted 0.122000 0.003000 No effect
hsa-miR-513c-3p tttaAAATTTAaatctgat
UAAAUUUC m7a Disrupted 0.122000 0.003000 0.010000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16109515A>G 9_46898 CRC-5-Tumor Colorectal adenocarcinoma
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-3136-3p ccactaTGGGCCAgggagc
UGGCCCAA m7a Created no TS -0.156 0.17

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16109756T>C COSN2268093 RK106_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-656 aattcATAATATgttcacc
AAUAUUAU m7b Disrupted -0.083000 -0.119000 1.630000
hsa-miR-656 aattcATAATATgttcacc
0 AAUAUUAU m7b Disrupted -0.083 -0.119 1.63

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16109838A>G COSN8075414 8035603 [pancreas][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16109839G>T COSN8075415 8035603 [pancreas][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-10a-3p tgctGAATTTaacattttg
0 CAAAUUCG m6b Created no TS -0.028000 -2.100000
hsa-miR-4760-3p tgcTGAATTTaacattttg
AAAUUCAU m7a (m6b->m7a) 0.104000 0.104000 No effect

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16109888A>G COSN6918052 RK211_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16110025G>T COSN1361913 HCC122T [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-3148 tattaccTTTTTCCtgtaa
0 UGGAAAAA m7b Created no TS -0.087000 -0.020000
hsa-miR-548ag taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.477000 -0.504000 0.330000
hsa-miR-548ai taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.495000 -0.522000 0.440000
hsa-miR-548m tatTACCTTTttcctgtaa
0 CAAAGGUA m7b (m6c->m7b) -0.332000 -0.580000 -2.110000
hsa-miR-570-5p taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.495000 -0.522000 0.440000
hsa-miR-624-3p tattACCTTGTtcctgtaa
CACAAGGU m7b Disrupted -0.263000 no TS 1.150000
hsa-miR-873-5p tattaccttGTTCCTGtaa
GCAGGAAC m7b (m7b->m6b) -0.272000 no TS 1.770000
hsa-miR-3148 tattaccTTTTTCCtgtaa
0 UGGAAAAA m7b Created no TS -0.087000 -0.020000
hsa-miR-548ag taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.477000 -0.504000 0.330000
hsa-miR-548ai taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.495000 -0.522000 0.440000
hsa-miR-548m tatTACCTTTttcctgtaa
0 CAAAGGUA m7b (m6c->m7b) -0.332000 -0.580000 -2.110000
hsa-miR-570-5p taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.495000 -0.522000 0.440000
hsa-miR-624-3p tattACCTTGTtcctgtaa
CACAAGGU m7b Disrupted -0.263000 no TS 1.150000
hsa-miR-873-5p tattaccttGTTCCTGtaa
GCAGGAAC m7b (m7b->m6b) -0.272000 no TS 1.770000
hsa-miR-3148 tattaccTTTTTCCtgtaa
0 UGGAAAAA m7b Created no TS -0.087 -0.02
hsa-miR-548ag taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
0 AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.477 -0.504 0.33
hsa-miR-548ai taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
0 AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.495 -0.522 0.44
hsa-miR-548m tatTACCTTTttcctgtaa
0 CAAAGGUA m7b (m6c->m7b) -0.332 -0.58 -2.11
hsa-miR-570-5p taTTACCTTTttcctgtaa
0 AAAGGUAA m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.495 -0.522 0.44
hsa-miR-624-3p tattACCTTGTtcctgtaa
0 CACAAGGU m7b Disrupted -0.263 no TS 1.15
hsa-miR-873-5p tattaccttGTTCCTGtaa
0 GCAGGAAC m7b (m7b->m6b) -0.272 no TS 1.77

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr8:g.16110073T>G COSN8810505 SNUH_G16_S1 [haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue][NS][haematopoietic_neoplasm][acute_myeloid_leukaemia]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-338-5p catcATATTGTcattcaca
0 AACAAUAU m7b Created -0.067000 -0.134000 No effect
hsa-miR-4517 caTCATATTTtcattcaca
AAAUAUGA m8a (m8a->m7b) -0.012000 -0.012000 No effect

*By default, only target sites identified by TargetScan are displayed. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

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