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Somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions
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RefSeq ID: NM_206809
Gene Symbol: MOG
Description: Homo sapiens myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), transcript variant alpha3, mRNA.
Gene Location: chr6(+):29624757-29640149
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Somatic mutations that impact miRNA target sites

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr6:g.29671296A>T COSN2159026 RK138_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-1 gctatggggACATTCCAat
UGGAAUGU m8a (m8a->m7b) -0.254000 -0.090000 No effect
hsa-miR-206 gctatggggACATTCCAat
UGGAAUGU m8a (m8a->m7b) -0.254000 -0.090000 0.010000
hsa-miR-613 gctatggggACATTCCaat
AGGAAUGU m7b (m7b->m6c) -0.233000 -0.083000 2.600000
hsa-miR-1 gctatggggACATTCCAat
0 UGGAAUGU m8a (m8a->m7b) -0.254 -0.09 No effect
hsa-miR-206 gctatggggACATTCCAat
0 UGGAAUGU m8a (m8a->m7b) -0.254 -0.09 0.01
hsa-miR-613 gctatggggACATTCCaat
0 AGGAAUGU m7b (m7b->m6c) -0.233 -0.083 2.6

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr6:g.29671559A>T COSN8513957 1428_T [lung][NS][carcinoma][squamous_cell_carcinoma]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-1183 gaaaatTACAGTatggtaa
CACUGUAG m6b Disrupted -0.090000 no TS 5.600000
hsa-miR-3607-3p gaaaaTTACAGTatggtaa
0 ACUGUAAA m7a Disrupted NA NA 0.010000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr6:g.29671943C>A COSN9779908 AOCS-105-1-9 [ovary][NS][other][neoplasm]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-1244 attcaacAACTACTacttg
AAGUAGUU m7b Disrupted -0.207000 no TS 3.740000
hsa-miR-4703-3p attcaaCAACTACtacttg
UGUAGUUG m7b Disrupted -0.191000 no TS 0.020000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr6:g.29672242C>A COSN5810910 EOPC-03_tumor [prostate][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-4695-3p agcTGAGATCgtgccactg
UGAUCUCA m7b (m7b->m6b) -0.104000 no TS 15.180000
hsa-miR-564 agctgagatCGTGCCactg
0 AGGCACGG m6b Disrupted -0.213000 no TS 3.760000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr6:g.29672293T>A COSN6513612 HCC160T [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr6:g.29672305T>A COSN9312174 8051716 [pancreas][NS][carcinoid-endocrine_tumour][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr6:g.29672313T>A COSN9312175 8051716 [pancreas][NS][carcinoid-endocrine_tumour][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change

No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

*By default, only target sites identified by TargetScan are displayed. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

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