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Somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions
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RefSeq ID: NM_006614
Gene Symbol: CHL1
Description: Homo sapiens cell adhesion molecule with homology to L1CAM (close homolog of L1) (CHL1), transcript variant 2, mRNA.
Gene Location: chr3(+):238649-451097
Browse Associations

Somatic mutations that impact miRNA target sites

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.406280T>C COSN15169062 LP6005690-DNA_F02 [oesophagus][NS][carcinoma][adenocarcinoma]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-3065-5p tagtaTTTGTTGAgctcct
0 UCAACAAA m8a Disrupted -0.057000 0.042000 2.190000
hsa-miR-545-3p tagtaTTTGCTGAgctcct
0 UCAGCAAA m8a Created no TS -0.176000 -3.230000
hsa-miR-7-1-3p tagtATTTGTTGagctcct
0 CAACAAAU m8a Disrupted 0.061000 0.034000 No effect
hsa-miR-7-2-3p tagtATTTGTTGagctcct
0 CAACAAAU m8a Disrupted 0.061000 0.034000 0.010000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.406285C>T COSN5536513 RK143_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-28-5p tttgttgAGCTCCTatttg
0 AAGGAGCU m7b Disrupted -0.308000 no TS 2.000000
hsa-miR-3139 tttgttgAGCTCCTAtttg
0 UAGGAGCU m8a Disrupted -0.329000 no TS 2.270000
hsa-miR-3670 tttgtTGAGCTCctatttg
AGAGCUCA m7b Disrupted -0.176000 no TS 0.010000
hsa-miR-3914 tttgttgaGTTCCTatttg
0 AAGGAACC m6b Created -0.132000 -0.236000 No effect
hsa-miR-4633-3p tttgttgAGCTCCTatttg
AGGAGCUA m7a Disrupted -0.019000 -0.019000 0.160000
hsa-miR-708-5p tttgttgAGCTCCTatttg
0 AAGGAGCU m7b Disrupted -0.319000 no TS 2.250000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.406466C>T COSN6768674 RK308_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.406857A>G COSN1950621 RK075_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-4446-5p tattgAGGGAAATgttttc
AUUUCCCU m8a Disrupted -0.055000 0.015000 No effect
hsa-miR-543 tattgagggGAATGTTTtc
AAACAUUC m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.037000 -0.002000 -0.010000
hsa-miR-642a-5p tattGAGGGAaatgttttc
GUCCCUCU m6b Disrupted -0.115000 no TS 0.030000
hsa-miR-4446-5p tattgAGGGAAATgttttc
AUUUCCCU m8a Disrupted -0.055 0.015 No effect
hsa-miR-543 tattgagggGAATGTTTtc
0 AAACAUUC m8a (m7b->m8a) -0.037 -0.002 -0.01
hsa-miR-642a-5p tattGAGGGAaatgttttc
GUCCCUCU m6b Disrupted -0.115 no TS 0.03

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.406951C>A COSN9551938 AOCS-094-1-1 [ovary][NS][other][neoplasm]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-4307 aaattcctAAACATacgtt
AAUGUUUU m6b Created -0.106000 0.013000 No effect
hsa-miR-567 aaattcctaAACATACgtt
0 AGUAUGUU m7b (m6c->m7b) no TS -0.033000 No effect

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.407093G>A COSN5536519 RK043_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-1206 attgtaCATGAACAtgttt
0 UGUUCAUG m8a Disrupted -0.094000 -0.018000 0.610000
hsa-miR-3924 attgTACATAaacatgttt
0 AUAUGUAU m6b Created 0.005000 0.075000 -2.180000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.407210G>A COSN6768688 RK077_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-302a-5p actGTTTAAGTgaattgac
ACUUAAAC m8a Disrupted 0.066000 no TS 0.270000
hsa-miR-4729 actgttTAAATGAattgac
0 UCAUUUAU m7a Created no TS 0.139000 -0.030000
hsa-miR-4760-3p actgtttaaATGAATTgac
0 AAAUUCAU m7b (m6c->m7b) -0.030000 0.042000 No effect
hsa-miR-5696 actgttTAAATGAattgac
CUCAUUUA m7b Created 0.097000 0.241000 -0.050000
hsa-miR-664-3p actgtttaAATGAATtgac
UAUUCAUU m7b Created 0.034000 0.096000 -0.030000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.407466G>T COSN5003226 SS6003125 [oesophagus][NS][carcinoma][adenocarcinoma]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-1247-3p cgcagTCCCGGGagtaagc
0 CCCCGGGA m7b Disrupted -0.149000 no TS 5.040000
hsa-miR-211-3p cgcaGTCCCTGgagtaagc
0 GCAGGGAC m7b Created no TS -0.003000 No effect
hsa-miR-3145-5p cgcagtcccTGGAGTaagc
0 AACUCCAA m6b Created no TS 0.039000 -1.650000
hsa-miR-3199 cgCAGTCCCTggagtaagc
0 AGGGACUG m8a (m7a->m8a) 0.056000 0.029000 0.080000
hsa-miR-3925-3p cgcagtccCTGGAGTaagc
0 ACUCCAGU m7a Created NA NA -0.080000
hsa-miR-4532 cgcagtCCCGGGagtaagc
0 CCCCGGGG m6b Disrupted -0.078000 no TS 5.720000
hsa-miR-4685-5p cgcagtCCCTGGagtaagc
0 CCCAGGGC m6b Created no TS 0.004000 -2.430000
hsa-miR-508-5p cgcagtccCTGGAGTAagc
0 UACUCCAG m8a Created no TS 0.040000 -1.090000
hsa-miR-766-3p cgcagtccCTGGAGTaagc
0 ACUCCAGC m7a Created NA NA -1.270000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.407687G>T COSN9551956 AOCS-144-1-3 [ovary][NS][other][neoplasm]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-21-3p agttcTGGTGTTattctgt
CAACACCA m7b Disrupted -0.132000 -0.182000 3.030000
hsa-miR-3591-3p agttcTGGTGTTattctgt
AAACACCA m7b Disrupted -0.151000 -0.201000 5.660000
hsa-miR-548aa agttcTGGTTTTattctgt
AAAAACCA m7b Created 0.035000 0.216000 -2.260000
hsa-miR-548ap-3p agttcTGGTTTTattctgt
AAAAACCA m7b Created 0.035000 0.216000 -0.690000
hsa-miR-548at-3p agttctGGTTTTattctgt
CAAAACCG m6b Created -0.032000 0.048000 -0.060000
hsa-miR-548t-3p agttcTGGTTTTattctgt
AAAAACCA m7b Created 0.035000 0.216000 -2.260000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.407748G>T COSN6768703 RK028_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-490-3p agtcatgCAGGTTagaaat
0 CAACCUGG m6b Disrupted -0.113000 -0.101000 0.040000
hsa-miR-649 agtcatgCAGGTTagaaat
0 AAACCUGU m6b Disrupted -0.515000 -0.507000 0.020000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.407789T>G COSN7698943 8066491 [pancreas][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-154-5p ttaATAACCTttaagtcag
0 UAGGUUAU m7b (m7b->m6b) -0.123000 -0.056000 0.010000
hsa-miR-548m ttaataACCTTTaagtcag
CAAAGGUA m6b Disrupted -0.180000 -0.215000 No effect

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.407922T>C COSN1950645 RK027_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-216a tatgaaaaaTGAGATTgaa
UAAUCUCA m7b (m7b->m6c) -0.003000 no TS 0.860000
hsa-miR-5696 tatgaaAAATGAGattgaa
CUCAUUUA m7a Disrupted 0.097000 0.097000 0.140000
hsa-miR-216a tatgaaaaaTGAGATTgaa
0 UAAUCUCA m7b (m7b->m6c) -0.003 no TS 0.86
hsa-miR-5696 tatgaaAAATGAGattgaa
0 CUCAUUUA m7a Disrupted 0.097 0.097 0.14

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.408012T>C COSN1950648 RK031_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-26a-1-3p caaaagGAATAGatctatg
CCUAUUCU m6b Disrupted -0.053000 -0.100000 0.030000
hsa-miR-26a-2-3p caaaagGAATAGatctatg
CCUAUUCU m6b Disrupted -0.053000 -0.100000 0.040000
hsa-miR-26b-3p caaaagGAACAGatctatg
0 CCUGUUCU m6b Created -0.197000 -0.179000 -1.780000
hsa-miR-26a-1-3p caaaagGAATAGatctatg
CCUAUUCU m6b Disrupted -0.053 -0.1 0.03
hsa-miR-26a-2-3p caaaagGAATAGatctatg
CCUAUUCU m6b Disrupted -0.053 -0.1 0.04
hsa-miR-26b-3p caaaagGAACAGatctatg
0 CCUGUUCU m6b Created -0.197 -0.179 -1.78

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.408020T>A COSN6768712 RK207_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-376a-3p atagaTCTATGATtgaccc
AUCAUAGA m8a Disrupted -0.022000 no TS 1.180000
hsa-miR-376b atagaTCTATGATtgaccc
AUCAUAGA m8a Disrupted -0.022000 no TS 1.540000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.409059T>G COSN9551980 AOCS-141-3-2 [ovary][NS][other][neoplasm]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-200a-5p ccatTAAGATatgattcat
CAUCUUAC m6b Disrupted -0.124000 -0.069000 No effect
hsa-miR-200b-5p ccatTAAGATatgattcat
CAUCUUAC m6b Disrupted -0.132000 -0.080000 0.200000
hsa-miR-3675-3p ccattaAGAGATGattcat
CAUCUCUA m7a Created -0.048000 -0.048000 No effect

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.409061T>C COSN5044754 HX35T [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-15b-3p attaagatATGATTCatgt
CGAAUCAU m7b Disrupted -0.317000 -0.061000 No effect
hsa-miR-5686 attaagATACGATtcatgt
0 UAUCGUAU m7b Created no TS -0.253000 -1.610000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.409122T>C COSN9720955 C0021T [kidney][NS][other][neoplasm]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-190a gtggtagtACATATCctag
0 UGAUAUGU m7b Created no TS -0.139000 No effect
hsa-miR-190b gtggtagtACATATCctag
0 UGAUAUGU m7b Created no TS -0.139000 No effect
hsa-miR-3201 gtggtagtaCATATCCtag
0 GGGAUAUG m7b (m6c->m7b) no TS -0.175000 No effect
hsa-miR-4791 gtggtagtaCATATCCtag
0 UGGAUAUG m7b (m6c->m7b) no TS -0.212000 -0.060000
hsa-miR-5011-5p gtggtagTATATATcctag
UAUAUAUA m7b Disrupted 0.045000 no TS 2.180000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr3:g.409354A>G COSN6768733 RK178_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change

No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

*By default, only target sites identified by TargetScan are displayed. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

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