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Somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions
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RefSeq ID: NM_001127231
Gene Symbol: AUTS2
Description: Homo sapiens autism susceptibility candidate 2 (AUTS2), transcript variant 2, mRNA.
Gene Location: chr7(+):69063904-70257475
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Somatic mutations that impact miRNA target sites

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr7:g.70791162A>G COSN2233424 RK014_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-let-7a-3p atgttTTGTATAttatatg
CUAUACAA m7b Disrupted -0.144000 no TS -0.890000
hsa-let-7b-3p atgttTTGTATAttatatg
CUAUACAA m7b Disrupted -0.144000 no TS -0.020000
hsa-let-7f-1-3p atgttTTGTATAttatatg
CUAUACAA m7b Disrupted -0.163000 no TS -1.420000
hsa-miR-1277-5p atgttttgTATATTatatg
AAAUAUAU m6b Disrupted 0.154000 0.148000 1.460000
hsa-miR-369-3p atgttttgtGTATTATatg
AAUAAUAC m7b (m6c->m7b) 0.005000 -0.168000 -2.380000
hsa-miR-374c-5p atgttttgTGTATTATatg
0 AUAAUACA m8a Created no TS -0.081000 -2.880000
hsa-miR-4666a-3p atgttTTGTATattatatg
CAUACAAU m6b Disrupted -0.057000 no TS 1.110000
hsa-miR-4731-3p atgttTTGTGTattatatg
0 CACACAAG m6b Created -0.131000 -0.233000 No effect
hsa-miR-5692b atgttttgtATATTATatg
AAUAAUAU m7b (m7b->m6c) -0.099000 0.009000 -0.270000
hsa-miR-5692c atgttttgtATATTATatg
AAUAAUAU m7b (m7b->m6c) -0.099000 0.009000 -0.330000
hsa-miR-655 atgttttgTGTATTATatg
0 AUAAUACA m8a Created no TS -0.127000 -1.430000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr7:g.70791202A>G COSN15032743 LP6005409-DNA_H01 [oesophagus][NS][carcinoma][adenocarcinoma]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-5580-3p agcccagtCATATGTtctc
CACAUAUG m7b Disrupted -0.159000 -0.073000 0.040000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr7:g.70791218C>G COSN8517544 3498_T [lung][NS][carcinoma][squamous_cell_carcinoma]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-4771 ctcacGTCTGCTacttttt
0 AGCAGACU m7a Created NA NA -1.110000
hsa-miR-562 ctcacgtctGCTACTTTtt
0 AAAGUAGC m8a (m7b->m8a) no TS -0.194000 -0.210000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr7:g.70791378T>A COSN1353060 HCC82T [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-602 aaggCCGTGTacatagtta
0 GACACGGG m6b Disrupted -0.181000 no TS 6.940000
hsa-miR-602 aaggCCGTGTacatagtta
0 GACACGGG m6b Disrupted -0.181 no TS 6.94

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr7:g.70791569T>C COSN6890321 RK308_C01 [liver][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-1277-5p gttcccATATATTgttata
AAAUAUAU m7b Disrupted 0.154000 0.024000 No effect
hsa-miR-3115 gttCCCATATattgttata
0 AUAUGGGU m7a (m7a->m6a) NA NA 0.850000
hsa-miR-338-5p gttcccatATATTGTTata
AACAAUAU m8a Disrupted -0.037000 no TS 0.010000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr7:g.70791819C>G COSN8037228 8057484 [pancreas][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change
hsa-miR-361-3p ttgtgggctCTGGGGGAaa
0 UCCCCCAG m8a (m8a->m7b) -0.511000 -0.350000 No effect
hsa-miR-4690-3p ttgTGGGCTGtgggggaaa
0 GCAGCCCA m7b (m6b->m7b) no TS -0.104000 -0.020000
hsa-miR-5685 ttgTGGGCTGTgggggaaa
0 ACAGCCCA m8a Created no TS -0.067000 -0.050000

Mutation Mutation ID Sample Name Cancer Type
chr7:g.70792149T>G COSN8037229 8052570 [pancreas][NS][carcinoma][NS]
miRNA Targets Table
miR ID miRSite Conservation miRSeed SeedClass FuncClass Wildtype CS+ Mutant CS+ PITA score change

No TargetScan sites are altered. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

*By default, only target sites identified by TargetScan are displayed. To display all potentially impacted target sites, select "All 6mer or longer seed matches" above.

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