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Somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions
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Browse genes associated with cancer risk that contain miRNA related somatic mutations

Somatic mutations that alter miRNA target sites: PAR-CLIP and HITS-CLIP [9 records found]

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Transcript ID Gene Symbol Mutation ID
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86946999T>G
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86947012T>G
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86968625C>G
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86968641G>A
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86968659G>C
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86968663C>T
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86968670C>A
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86968681A>G
hsa_circ_0005452 VGLL3 chr3:g.86968687A>G

Somatic mutations that alter predicted mRNA-miRNA target sites [42 records found]

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Transcript ID Gene Symbol Mutation ID
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86942777A>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86941781G>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945138T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86939378T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86939565C>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86939450A>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86943011G>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86946526C>A
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86946139C>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945349G>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945711T>A
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945961C>A
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86944231G>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86939201C>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86944291A>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86938094A>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86938666C>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86942755T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86940041T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86944169C>A
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86939526C>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86940354G>A
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86942603A>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86946635G>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86943933G>A
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945635C>A
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945464T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86939921A>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945484T>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86938959T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86943804C>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86944404G>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945787T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86946358A>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86939268T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86941104T>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86944417A>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86946405A>C
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86946604G>T
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86940229A>G
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86939989T>A
NM_016206 VGLL3 chr3:g.86945060T>A