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Somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions
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Browse genes associated with cancer risk that contain miRNA related somatic mutations

Somatic mutations that alter miRNA target sites: PAR-CLIP and HITS-CLIP [37 records found]

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Transcript ID Gene Symbol Mutation ID
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69676496G>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69676506C>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69676510C>A
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69697598C>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69697638A>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69697640C>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69699054T>C
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69699059A>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69699062G>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69699146T>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69700784T>C
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69700796G>A
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69700797C>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69700801A>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69700809A>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69700813T>C
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69701489C>A
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69701493G>A
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69719017G>A
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69719018C>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69719019A>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69719032G>A
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790343G>A
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790352C>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790365C>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790367A>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790384C>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790386T>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790393C>A
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790394G>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69790399T>C
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69796833A>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69796836T>G
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69796841G>C
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69796858G>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69796859C>T
NM_018368 LMBRD1 chr6:g.69796871C>G