SomamiR DB 2.0
Somatic mutations altering microRNA-ceRNA interactions
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Browse genes associated with cancer risk that contain miRNA related somatic mutations

Somatic mutations that alter miRNA target sites: CLASH [2 records found]

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Transcript ID Gene Symbol Mutation ID
NM_001165962 ELAC2 chr17:g.12996585G>A
NM_001165962 ELAC2 chr17:g.12996590T>C

Somatic mutations that alter miRNA target sites: PAR-CLIP and HITS-CLIP [13 records found]

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Transcript ID Gene Symbol Mutation ID
NM_001165962 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992667C>G
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13002351C>T
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13002352G>A
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13002356G>A
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13002464C>A
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13002503C>G
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13002515A>G
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13005067C>A
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13005068C>T
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13005754A>G
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13005767C>T
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13005783C>T
hsa_circ_0042109 ELAC2 chr17:g.13005949C>T

Somatic mutations that alter predicted mRNA-miRNA target sites [9 records found]

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Transcript ID Gene Symbol Mutation ID
NM_018127 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992612C>T
NM_001165962 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992612C>T
NM_173717 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992612C>T
NM_018127 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992667C>G
NM_001165962 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992667C>G
NM_173717 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992667C>G
NM_018127 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992352G>T
NM_001165962 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992352G>T
NM_173717 ELAC2 chr17:g.12992352G>T